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NHS and Healthcare Case Studies

CASE STUDY - 22/09/2022

Procurement and contracting support for the COVID-19 vaccination campaign

Arden & GEM’s procurement team worked on behalf of NHS England to develop and execute a successful procurement strategy for vaccine-related equipment and consumables. Building on this success, the team went on to support the programme’s workforce, technology and logistics workstreams.

CASE STUDY - 03/08/2022

The Complete Care Community Programme: Supporting PCNs to narrow health inequalities in their local area

Bringing together the transformation expertise of Arden & GEM with the clinical leadership experience of Healthworks, the national Complete Care Community Programme is successfully helping demonstrator PCN sites to adopt systematic approaches to narrowing local health inequalities.

CASE STUDY - 12/07/2022

Developing a stewardship and value programme for Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership

Arden & GEM’s Healthcare Solutions team was commissioned to design and facilitate a bespoke four-month programme, in partnership with Oxford Value and Stewardship, to support Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership create a culture of stewardship.

CASE STUDY - 08/07/2022

Supporting health and care services to learn from the lives and deaths of people with learning disabilities and autism

Arden & GEM’s experienced clinical services team has undertaken 150 LeDeR reviews in a professional, timely and compassionate manner, producing actionable recommendations for service improvement.

CASE STUDY - 28/06/2022

Delivering a development programme for West Yorkshire ICS clinical and finance leads

To support clinical and finance leaders in applying the Triple Aim duty in their decision-making processes, West Yorkshire ICS commissioned Arden & GEM’s Healthcare Solutions team to deliver a development programme around value and stewardship.

CASE STUDY - 28/06/2022

Supporting safe and effective health programmes for children across Derbyshire

Since taking on a county-wide service in 2015, Arden & GEM has developed a robust and responsive approach to monitoring and managing all aspects of the Derbyshire Child Health Information Service.

CASE STUDY - 06/05/2022

Launching the NHSE&I MedTech Funding Mandate for 2022/3

Arden & GEM and Midlands and Lancashire CSUs brought their combined engagement, communications and marketing capability together to design and deliver a MedTech Funding Mandate launch programme for seven new technologies.

CASE STUDY - 05/04/2022

Providing capacity and capability to support delivery of the COVID-19 vaccination programme

Arden & GEM has worked with four of the seven NHS England regions to provide flexible resourcing solutions that have played a vital role in supporting management of the largest vaccination programme ever delivered by the NHS.

CASE STUDY - 29/03/2022

Establishing the Increasing Capacity Framework to support COVID-19 recovery

To provide commissioners and trusts with a quick and simple route to contract and sub-contract acute elective care services, an innovative national framework – the Increasing Capacity Framework – was developed and launched in November 2020.

CASE STUDY - 22/03/2022

Conducting a rapid evidence review for shoulder surgery

When five Midlands CCGs wanted to better understand the clinical and cost effectiveness of shoulder surgery, compared to conservative treatment, Arden & GEM’s public health consultancy, Solutions for Public Health (SPH), was engaged to undertake a rapid evidence review.