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To support South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in the delivery of its prescribing and medicines optimisation QIPP scheme savings, Arden & GEM proposed a plan to review potential areas for prescribing switches, identify patients and implement the change.
As part of its ambition to ensure NHS library and knowledge services (LKS) are integral to informed decision-making and innovation, Health Education England tasked Arden & GEM with delivering a series of workshops that would upskill library staff to be able to provide evidence to support the...
To support Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) in the Midlands and East of England to successfully bid for exemplar status in the future, Arden & GEM CSU led a programme of qualitative research and analysis to better understand the current status of the region in key areas t...
In order to support 3,300 people, throughout the West Midlands, to find employment; health and care organisations are collaborating on a ground-breaking randomised controlled trial – the ‘Thrive into Work’ programme. Arden & GEM’s procurement team was tasked with finding providers for the pro...
As part of a review of community dental services, NHS Arden & GEM’s engagement and communications specialists were commissioned to design and deliver a comprehensive patient and public engagement study.
Through a successful collaboration with NHS England Specialised Commissioning, Arden & GEM’s award winning procurement team developed and delivered a process which will ensure the public is protected in the event of HCIDs through a high quality, family centred and value for money service.
Arden & GEM’s primary care procurement specialists worked in collaboration with NHS England North Midlands, Cannock Chase CCG and South East Staffordshire and Seisdon Peninsula CCG, to run a complex procurement process to appoint three providers to deliver high quality, patient centred, value...
In order to raise awareness of the prevalence of modern slavery in the West Midlands, and the devastating effects it can have on health, Arden & GEM brought together key agencies and organisations (including the NHS, West Midlands Police, Birmingham City Council and the West Midlands Anti Sla...
When NHS South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) identified an 11% overspend on prescribing budget in one of their GP practices, the Arden & GEM medicines optimisation team was tasked with investigating the potential causes and producing a report for the CCG.
With challenging financial objectives facing Mansfield and Ashfield, and Newark and Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), the senior team needed a current analysis of cost control options and QIPP opportunities to inform robust decision making. NHS Arden & GEM Commissioning Support U...