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For the first time, artificial intelligence techniques can now deliver real-time, engaging, speech transcription and understanding. Ufonia is a digital health company taking advantage of the same technologies to deliver higher value healthcare.
2017 saw the Government’s Industrial Strategy gather pace, with additional funding announced in a number of key areas, alongside the release of the Life Sciences Industrial Strategy and Sector Deal. But how will this benefit the NHS and how can NHS organisations take full advantage of the new fun...
Our social marketing team has a strong track record in delivering a range of behaviour change campaigns including increasing flu vaccine uptake, reducing smoking prevalence during pregnancy and reducing the impact of wasted medicine on the health system.
Conflicts in public procurement projects can be inevitable, but there are ways to deal with them effectively, writes Neli Garbuzanova, Procurement Manager at NHS Arden & GEM Commissioning Support Unit.
When it comes to providing more efficient and effective services, the quick wins have already been banked. So how do GP practices continue to improve services and save money – while grappling with an ageing population, exponential rise in long term conditions, tighter budgets, increasing vacancie...
In adopting new ways of working across organisational and regional footprints, it’s important to recognise and use those transformation skills already at our disposal as we work together to deliver change at pace and scale, says Chris Davies, NHS Arden & GEM Commissioning Support Unit.
Communications campaigns must combine innovation with tried and tested techniques to help alleviate the pressure on NHS services.
We are at last seeing a palpable change in the approach to mental health services. Words are beginning to transform into action – a momentum we need to sustain if we are to improve services for some of the most complex patients the NHS serves.
As well as giving patients more control over the management of their health, there are positive signs that PHBs can deliver efficiencies. By analysing data across four of our CCG areas and comparing the annual cost of PHBs with the estimated cost of equivalent ‘traditional’ care packages, w...
NHS England set clear expectations from the outset of the vanguard programme for both planning and evaluation. Use of logic models has set the groundwork for effective formative evaluation which is used to shape how you design and deliver a programme of work. Arden & GEM CSU is providing eval...