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Awards and Accreditations

At Arden & GEM, we are extremely proud of our track record of delivering high quality services for our customers, so we are pleased to have received extensive national recognition for our achievements. The awards and accreditation process also supports our ambition to be a learning organisation that continually improves and innovates.


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Armed Forces Covenant

Arden & GEM is now a proud signatory of the Armed Forces Covenant, as part of its commitment to supporting the armed forces community.

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Association of Accounting Technicians

We are delighted to be part of the 'AAT Employer Scheme' which recognises employers who support their finance staff with AAT training and membership, and ongoing professional development.

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Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

We are delighted to have 'ACCA Approved Employer – Professional Development' status which recognises our high standards of staff training and development.

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Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

We are delighted to be a 'CIMA Premier Partner' - CIMA helps individuals and businesses succeed by harnessing the full power of management accounting.

image for the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy accreditation

Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy

We are delighted to announce that Arden & GEM’s Finance Team has gained Accredited Employer status from CIPFA – the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy - the professional body for people in public finance.

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CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

We have achieved accreditation through the CPD Standards Office for our social value training modules.

image for the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation

Cyber Essentials Plus

We are delighted to have been re-accredited by the Cyber Essentials Plus Scheme, in June 2023, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to the highest cyber security standards.

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Disability Confident Leader

We are delighted to have been recognised as a Disability Confident employer. We are securing, retaining and developing disabled staff who are skilled, loyal and hard-working.

image for the East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub accreditation

East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub

We are delighted to have secured a place on the East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub. 

The Transforming Organisations, Partnerships and Systems Framework, has been designed to provide capacity within the marketplace, supporting publicly funded organisations with access to timely and relevant advisory and support services.

Discover more.

image for the Investors in People accreditation

Investors in People

We are delighted to have been awarded 'We invest in people, gold accreditation' by Investors in People. Achieved by just 23% of applicants, gold accreditation recognises organisations that care about their people and confirms the alignment of business and people strategies in achieving their mission.

image for the Investors in People - Wellbeing accreditation

Investors in People - Wellbeing

Arden & GEM has been awarded gold in the ‘We invest in wellbeing’ accreditation – part of the internationally recognised Investors in People framework – for our efforts to develop and nurture a culture of wellbeing.

image for the IOSH accreditation


As an approved training provider for the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), Arden & GEM delivers 'Managing Safely' courses for both staff and clients. Our trainers are Technical IOSH members with the appropriate experience and qualifications to deliver face-to-face adult training.

image for the ISO 9001 Certification accreditation

ISO 9001 Certification

We have achieved the globally recognised ISO 9001:2015 standard for quality management - the only Commissioning Support Unit to have gained the accreditation. Designed to help organisations ensure they meet the needs of their customers, the successful certification recognises our effective business management system that ensures consistent service delivery and a drive for continual improvement.

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ISO 14001 Certification

We have achieved the globally recognised ISO 14001 standard for our Environmental Policy. Designed to help organisations provide assurance to management and employees as well as external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved.

image for the ISO 45001 Certification accreditation

ISO 45001 Certification

We have achieved the globally recognised ISO 45001 which is the international standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
Implementing the standard demonstrates we protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, visitors and anyone affected by our activities; it also shows that we follow best international practices and can be trusted to do business with.

image for the Mindful Employer Charter accreditation

Mindful Employer Charter

We are delighted to have signed up to the Mindful Employer Charter for an eighth consecutive year as part of our commitment to work towards better mental health at work.

Mindful Employer is a UK wide initiative which helps to empower organisations to take a lead in supporting the mental wellbeing of staff.

image for the NHS SBS Framework Agreement Supplier accreditation

NHS SBS Framework Agreement Supplier

Arden & GEM is pleased to announce that we have successfully secured a place on nine out of ten lots included in the NHS Shared Business Services Consultancy and Advisory Services for Health framework.

Discover more.

image for the NHS SBS Approved Framework Supplier accreditation

NHS SBS Approved Framework Supplier

We are an NHS SBS Approved Framework Supplier, which ensures ease of access and a compliant route to market for NHS and public sector organisations. The framework contracts cover health and corporate services including IT, Legal, Estates & Facilities and Business Services.

image for the One NHS Finance Towards Excellence Accreditation, Level 2. accreditation

One NHS Finance Towards Excellence Accreditation, Level 2.

We are pleased to announce that Arden & GEM’s Finance Team has been recognised by The NHS Finance Leadership Council via award of the One NHS Finance Towards Excellence Accreditation, Level 2.

Find out more.

image for the Service Desk Certification accreditation

Service Desk Certification

Arden & GEM's IT Service Desk has been awarded the Customer-Led accreditation against the Global Best Practice Standard for Service Desks.

SDI’s Service Desk Certification (SDC) programme is the only industry, standard based accreditation programme designed specifically to certify service desk quality and maturity.

image for the Social Value Quality Mark accreditation

Social Value Quality Mark

Arden & GEM has been awarded the Social Value Quality Mark Silver accreditation for its commitment to measuring, growing and embedding social value within its work.


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Cyber Associates Network Awards

2024 - Winners of the 'Diversity in Cyber' category and highly commended in 'Women in Cyber'.

2023 - Highly commended in the 'Innovation in Cyber' category for a project which used in-house expertise to design and implement a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution to improve password security.

2022 - Highly commended in Cyber Newcomer of the Year category and finalists in the Cyber Team of the Year and Individual of the Year categories.

image for the CIPS Excellence in Procurement Awards award

CIPS Excellence in Procurement Awards

2022 - Winners in the Public Procurement of the Year category for procurement and contracting support for the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

2020 - Winner of the Best Collaborative Teamwork Project, with NHS England Highly Specialised Commissioning, for a project to transform the lives of babies with spina bifida through pioneering prenatal surgery. Finalists in the Best Public Procurement Project and Procurement Team of the Year categories.

2019 - Finalists in the Public Procurement and Ethical Procurement categories for projects to improve health outcomes through the West Midlands 'Thrive into Work' programme and provide integrated out of hospital community services for patients in Nottingham.

2018 - Winner of the International Procurement Project category for a highly complex procurement programme, run in partnership with and on behalf of NHS England Specialised Commissioning, to increase access to Proton Beam Therapy treatment for NHS cancer patients.

2017 - Winner of the Best Public Procurement Project category for our initiative to improve community services across Nottinghamshire, working with six Nottinghamshire CCGs, Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Nottinghamshire Hospice.

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CIPR Midlands Pride Awards

2019 - Silver winners in the 'Public sector campaign' category at the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Midlands PRide Awards for our campaign, with West Midlands Police, to raise awareness of modern slavery in the West Midlands.

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Data IQ Awards

2022 - Shortlisted in the 'Best data and analytics team' and 'Best place to work in data' categories.

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GO Public Procurement Awards

2023 - Finalist in the 'Collaborative Procurement Initiative Award' category with Birmingham and Solihull ICS for a project to establish a children and young people's key working service.

2022 - Highly commended in the COVID-19 Response and Recovery category for the procurement and contracting support, delivered in collaboration with project partners, to the COVID-19 vaccination programme logistics and finalists in the Best Procurement Delivery category. 

2020 - Winners in the Team of the Year - Health category, for the team's key role in procuring life-changing services for patients, and Highly Commended in the Social Value category for an out of hospital community services project with NHS Nottingham CCG.

2019 - Finalists in the UK National GO Public Procurement Awards in the Social and Community Benefit in Procurement category for a West Midlands project to improve outcomes for people with long term health conditions by supporting them into employment.

2017 - Winners in the Collaborative Procurement category for leading a successful partnership approach to delivering direct commissioning support to NHS England, in partnership with North East London CSU, South Central & West CSU and North of England CSU. 

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HCSA Awards

2020 - Winners of the Cross Functional Collaboration Award, with NHS England Highly Specialised Commissioning, for a provider selection project to transform the lives of babies with spina bifida through pioneering prenatal surgery. Highly Commended in the Procurement Excellence Award for a project to improve quality of life for adults with chronic pancreatitis.

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Health Business Awards

2022 - Finalists in the Telehealth Award category - with NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICB and ShinyMind - for an empowering digital programme that has improved the health and wellbeing of both primary care staff and patients.

2021 - Winners in Healthcare IT category for the development of the National Immunisation and Vaccination System (NIVS) to capture data at the point of delivery for the COVID-19 vaccination programme. Finalists in the Patient Data category for our bespoke segmentation model, SMITH.

2020 - Winners in the Patient Data category for development of the COVID-19 Provider Notification System and commended in the Telehealth category for a partnership project with Tekihealth Solutions to deliver remote healthcare services to care home residents.

2019 - Winners in Patient Data Award category for developing a population segmentation model for Norfolk Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to understand the most effective interventions, build a robust case for change and predict the value from new models of care. Commended in the Publicity Campaign category for our hard-hitting campaign to raise awareness of modern slavery.

2018 - Commended in the Patient Data and Publicity Campaign categories for our project to design and develop of clinical measures system for AQuA and our campaign to change the behaviour of Derbyshire mums-to-be who smoke.

2017 - Winners in the 'Patient Data' category for our work to develop a Risk Stratification solution which helps organisations predict behaviours such as unplanned admissions, and intervene earlier to improve patient care and reduce the burden on emergency services. Commended in the Publicity Campaign and Healthcare IT categories.

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HFMA Annual Awards

2021 - Winner of the Team of the Year category at the HFMA East Midlands Branch Annual Awards 2020/21.

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HPMA Excellence in People Awards

2022 - Arden & GEM's Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Usman, Malik was named as a winner of the Rest Less Star Award.

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HSJ Awards

2023 - Winners of the Data-Driven Transformation award, in partnership with Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System and Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, for a project to improve care for people with frailty and dementia.

2022 - Finalists in the NHS Race Equality category, with Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, for an innovative leadership development programme.

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HSJ Digital Awards

2024 - Shortlisted in the 'Generating Impact in Population Health through Digital’ category for a project with NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICB to support better proactive diabetes management through an early warning system.

2023 - Finalists in the 'Connecting Health and Social Care through Digital' category with Liverpool City Council and the 'Improving Mental Health through Digital' category with NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICs and ShinyMind.

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HSJ Value Awards

2019 - Highly commended in the Financial or Procurement Initiative of the Year category for a complex and sensitive procurement to make a real difference for children and young people with rare cancers by increasing PBT treatment capacity and access.

2017 - Shortlisted in the Value and Improvement in Procurement category for our collaborative partnership to improve community services across Nottinghamshire.

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HTN Now Awards

2023 - Winners in the 'Digital solution for social care' category for our work with Liverpool City Council to improve services by linking adult social care and health data.

2022 - Winners in the 'Supporting Healthcare Teams' Response to COVID-19' category for our work to design, develop and rapidly implement the National Vaccination and Immunisation System (NIVS). Highly commended in the 'Excellence in Data, AI and Automation' category for a project to generate actionable insight from population health data for NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes CCG.

2021 - Shortlisted in the Rapid response to COVID-19 category for development of the COVID-19 Provider Notification System.

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International Quality Awards

2024 - Winner of the Quality Team of the Year award for our IT Service Desk's contribution to successful governance, assurance, improvement and leadership.

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Investors in People Awards

2024 - Finalists in the Health and Wellbeing category.

2023 - Finalists in the Health and Wellbeing category for the fourth consecutive year in recognition of a wide range of health and wellbeing initiatives.

2022 - Finalists in the Health and Wellbeing category.

2021 - Finalists in the Health and Wellbeing category, in recognition of the organisation's wellbeing strategy and achievement of 'We invest in wellbeing' gold status.

2020 - Finalists in the Best Newcomer category, in recognition of the journey the CSU has undertaken to achieve Investors in People silver accreditation in 2019, and Health and Wellbeing category, for embracing the health and wellbeing agenda.

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National Cyber Awards

2024 - Finalists in the NHS England Award category for cyber excellence.

image for the Nursing Times Workforce Awards award

Nursing Times Workforce Awards

2022 - Winners in the Best Workplace for Learning and Development category and Best Employer for Diversity and Inclusion category for an innovative leadership development programme delivered in partnership with Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation rust

image for the Patient Safety Awards award

Patient Safety Awards

2021 - Shortlisted in the Pilot Project of the Year category with NHS Black Country and West Birmingham CCG and Tekihealth Solutions for a project to evaluate the benefits of a telemedicine approach in a Wolverhampton care home.

2019 - Winners, with NHS Norwich CCG, in the Medicines Management Initiative category in acknowledgement of a highly effective project to improve patient safety in care homes through a medication review service.

2017 - Shortlisted, as part of the Arden and Solihull Transforming Care Partnership, for a collaborative project that completely transformed services and improved care for people with complex learning disabilities and autism across Coventry and Warwickshire.

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Service Desk Institute (SDI) Awards

2023 - Arden & GEM's IT team won 'Service Desk of the Year (Large)' and were shortlisted for 'Service Desk Analyst of the Year' at this year's SDI Awards.