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Clinical redesign, integration and provider collaboration

The creation of Integrated Care Systems presents a unique opportunity to fundamentally reimagine and redesign how health and care services are delivered across England. But the scale and pace of change this requires, alongside managing ongoing COVID-19 recovery and growing patient waiting lists, will place further pressure on an already stretched workforce.

Our support provides the capacity and capability needed to redesign services, delivering tailored, joined-up care which improves health outcomes.

We employ a structured approach to redesign, integration and collaboration which spans strategic planning, service development and implementation, and monitoring and improvement.

Our support includes:

  • Clinical strategy development - creating clinical strategy for population segments and clinical pathways, with defined outcomes, quality and value objectives
  • End-to-end pathway redesign - engaging stakeholders from the NHS, local authority, third sector and patient representatives to co-produce pathways from prevention through to long term condition  management
  • Implementation - providing facilitation, programme and change management support for effective and sustainable transformation
  • Continuous improvement - delivering evaluation and programme support to embed the new pathway and incorporate learning into iterative changes both small and major.

This approach is underpinned by digital transformation, workforce planning, data and analytics. From shared care records that support the flow of key patient information between providers to system level workforce plans that ensure the right people are in the right place at the right time, we can help you successfully overcome the barriers to delivering more integrated care.

Our key strengths and expertise:

As part of the NHS family, we bring a comprehensive understanding of the complexities faced by the service coupled with experience of bringing together different parts of the health and care system to reimagine and redesign models of care. With specialist skills and knowledge in sourcing data to deliver actionable insight for service improvement, managing complex programmes which engage multiple stakeholders, and formative evaluation, we can support an end-to-end redesign of clinical pathways.

Our multi award-winning clinical procurement team can advise on the best value commercial solution for your desired service with expertise in collaborative contracting, national frameworks, provider selection, category management and contract management.

Service benefits

Our transformational support for clinical redesign,  integration and provider collaboration will help you

  • Identify realisable opportunities to improve quality, outcomes and efficiency
  • Harness the potential of digital transformation within service improvements
  • Take a holistic approach to redesign and integration  which brings together functions, specialties and pathways to work collaboratively
  • Prioritise service redesign and outcomes measurement for patient cohorts experiencing avoidable and unjust health inequalities
  • Manage delivery of Triple Aim ambitions against the challenge of post COVID-19 elective care recovery.


Arden & GEM is already helping healthcare systems to deliver Clinical redesign, integration and provider collaboration solutions. Find out more by accessing the resources below.


If you’d like to find out more about Clinical redesign, integration and provider collaboration please contact us here: