In order to provide assurance over the internal financial controls and control procedures operated by Arden & GEM, NHS England and NHS Improvement engaged Deloitte to audit how well the CSU had met a set of agreed objectives.
The objectives were in the following areas:
- Accounts payable
- Accounts receivable
- Financial ledger
- Financial reporting
- Payroll
- Treasury and cash management.
The standardised set of 39 objectives was agreed with NHS England and NHS Improvement and supported by 64 controls. For the financial year April 2020 to March 2021, Arden & GEM’s finance and payroll teams were audited across the full set of controls for the whole year.
The CSU, and all of our finance service customers, were given full assurance by the auditors and issued a clean audit opinion. This unprecedented service auditor reporting outcome was due to the hard work and commitment of our finance and payroll teams in providing a high-quality service to our customers.
Find out more about our finance services here.