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Primary Care Digital Maturity Diagnostics

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Digital systems are the foundation upon which a modern, efficient and responsive health service is built. Enabling information to flow between care providers within and beyond organisational boundaries, and between care providers and patients, is a key means by which we will achieve a safe, convenient and personalised Primary Care service.

GP IT systems sit at the heart of primary care technology, facilitating and recording millions of interactions with patients every week. GP practices have led the way in the move from paper to digital record-keeping and are offering online transactions, such as appointment bookings and repeat prescriptions, across all practices in England.

But with so many additional digital solutions available, identifying the next phase of potential efficiencies and finding the best med-tech solutions can be a significant challenge.

Our approach

To further enhance this technology adoption, Arden & GEM provides Primary Care Digital Maturity Diagnostics that ensures the effective use of current IT systems along with harnessing the potential opportunities offered by Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions. Our team bring extensive experience within Primary Care ranging from Practice Managers to Board level executives, enabling the provision of wide ranging advice from operational delivery to strategic transformation. Combining this expertise with our in-house GP IT and digital specialists means we are uniquely placed to understand your challenges and provide innovative technology solutions that can drive efficiency and performance.

In addition to our broad service portfolio and extensive in-house expertise, we also provide access to a range of cutting-edge technology providers through our extensive partnership network. This ensures GP Practices and Primary Care Networks have access to the most effective and best value solutions for all their local challenges.

Our service follows our tried and tested seven stage approach to understanding your current situation, identifying local challenges and delivering tangible and actionable recommendations that can improve your clinical and business performance:


How we can help

All our Digital Maturity Diagnostics begin with an initial remote discussion over Microsoft Teams that enables our specialists to understand your GP Practice and the individual challenges it faces. We take the information gleaned from these early discussions to individually shape a diagnostic approach that will best suit your local needs. The audit is then conducted via in-person visits at prearranged times in order to minimise the impact on your staff and day-to-day operation.

All reporting is delivered within 14 days of completion of the audit at the Practice (and where appropriate PCN level) and contains tangible recommendations for improvements spanning three key areas:


  • Telephony
  • Websites
  • Patient expectations of the Practice and staff
  • Accessing the Practice
  • Patient access to information.
  • Digital and information systems
  • Use and duplication of systems
  • Security of systems
  • Communications
  • Back-office functions (HR, payroll, etc.)
  • Using systems to save staff time and improve efficiency.
  • Communication from and to other agencies (including secondary care)
  • Duplication in clinical communications
  • Information sharing and exchange.


Supporting GP Practices beyond diagnostics

In addition to diagnosing areas for potential digital enhancements that can improve your clinical and business performance, we can also utilise our wide service portfolio and skills base to help GP Practices deliver the benefits highlighted from our findings.

1. Diagnostics 

Our initial Digital Maturity Diagnostics service provides insight and recommendations for improving your digital performance. We will assess the effective use of your current IT systems and consider the potential opportunities offered by RPA and AI solutions, in improving your clinical and business performance

2. Planning 
To understand how any Diagnostic recommendations can be implemented into a Practice we offer personalised plans to turn the most impactful recommendations into reality. Your bespoke, achievable action plan provides a discussion document for GP Partners and staff that sets out the steps required to improve the use of digital platforms. Presenting AI and RPA options with the potential to transform care pathways across the system, including digital triaging, digital pre-assessment and outpatient reform

3. Implementation 
If you require support to implement all or part of the Diagnostic’s recommendations, our team of experts will provide the specialist project and change management capabilities and capacity required to implement recommendations, improve digital maturity and rapidly deliver the benefits available. Our weekly client meetings discuss progress and address any ongoing concerns or issues arising.


View our full Primary Care offer here.


Why Arden & GEM?

Our Primary Care solutions are made by the NHS, specifically for the health and care sector and can help you to build greater resilience within your practice or PCN, leverage opportunities to deliver efficiencies through technologies and economies of scale and develop a better understanding of the needs of your population.

We provide cost effective access to the capabilities and capacity required to improve services for patients while delivering operational efficiencies.


Arden & GEM is already helping healthcare systems with Primary Care Digital Maturity Diagnostics. Find out more by accessing the resources below.


If you’d like to find out more about our Primary Care Digital Maturity Diagnostics please contact us here: