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Fragmented digital services are detrimental to the efficiency and performance of the NHS as they hinder communication and coordination between organisations, healthcare professionals and patients. This can create delays in care and duplication of effort that ultimately result in poorer outcomes for patients and underutilisation of resources. Integrated digital systems are crucial for ensuring all patient information is accessible, accurate and secure across all aspects of healthcare delivery.

Arden & GEM’s Healthcare360 solution is a comprehensive self-care and monitoring service designed to empower individuals in managing their health effectively. It combines innovative digital solutions and personalised support to promote preventive care, improve health outcomes, and enhance the overall healthcare experience. Healthcare360 utilises our in-house expertise spanning clinical, digital and IT and combines this with best in class technology partners to increase capacity, capability and delivery and to improve health outcomes.

HealthCare360 can support healthcare providers, social care organisations, and individuals seeking to enhance self-care and monitoring capabilities. It helps a wide range of stakeholders (including healthcare professionals, patients, and caregivers) to deliver their objectives for improvements in the effective and efficient delivery of care.

Healthcare360 combines the best MedTech technology with NHS experience and expertise to deliver the integrated digital systems required to address the individual needs of your population. This includes:

  • Revolutionising self-care by leveraging advanced technologies and user-friendly interfaces
  • Empowering your population to easily track their health metrics, access educational resources, and receive personalised recommendations for preventive care
  • Providing healthcare providers with real-time data and insights, enabling them to deliver personalised care plans and interventions
  • Delivering seamless integration with existing healthcare systems and ensuring data security and privacy
  • Improving patient empowerment and the promotion of proactive healthcare, as well as delivering better collaboration between patients and healthcare professionals.

Why Arden & GEM?

As an integral part of the NHS family, we already deliver IT and Digital support to a large number of healthcare organisations across the English health system. This brings specialist experience and expertise as well as providing efficiencies through economies of scale.

Our services are already increasing patient engagement and active participation in self-care which is improving health outcomes via personalised monitoring and proactive interventions. This work is also increasing the effectiveness of service delivery and empowering healthcare professionals with the tools and insights required for informed decision making.


Arden & GEM is already helping healthcare systems to deliver Healthcare360 solutions. Find out more by accessing the resources below.


If you’d like to find out more about Healthcare360 please contact us here: