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Header image for the current page NHS England Community Diagnostic Centres Framework

NHS England Community Diagnostic Centres Framework

The Community Diagnostic Centres Framework Agreement is aimed at helping commissioners source additional digitally connected diagnostic capacity in England.

  • NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts providing acute services
  • Integrated Care Boards
  • NHS England as commissioner of specialised services

The Community Diagnostics Centres Framework allows:

  • a commissioner (e.g. ICB or NHS England) to put in place a contract with a Framework Provider; or
  • an NHS Trust or NHS Foundation Trust to put in place a sub-contract with a Framework Provider.

A Contracting Authority is able to award a contract or sub-contract to a Framework Provider by a direct award or by undertaking a mini competition.

The guidance is structured into a three-step process (Shortlist, Confirm, Award):

  • Step 1: Use the on-line Database to select relevant Framework Provider(s);
  • Step 2: Use the Direct Award or Mini-Comp Templates to confirm with selected Framework Providers if they can meet the requirement.
  • Step 3: Use the NHS Standard Contract or Sub-Contract Templates to award.

Please click on this link (Document 3 - CDC Framework Specification) which will take you to the specification of CDC.

Scope is defined under:
Section 4 - Minimum Requirements & Section 5 - Optional Requirements

  • The available Framework Providers can be searched in the Framework Provider Database via modalities.
  • Fast, efficient, easy to use compliant procurement framework that removes the need to undertake costly and time-consuming full procurement process locally.
  • Flexibility in the planning and running of tender processes via mini competition.
  • Robust framework resulting from thorough professional due diligence.
  • National Coverage.
  • Pre-agreed terms and conditions.
  • Simple ‘call-off’ the framework process.
  • National tariff prices as default that can be further reduced by competition at call-off.
  • To support Contracting Authorities the on-line database includes template forms that Contracting Authorities can tailor for use in a call-off process
  • Throughout the entire term of the Framework, Contracting Authorities will have the option to undertake a mini competition for an NHS Standard Contract or Sub-Contract (as appropriate) for Nationally Priced Services or Locally Priced Services.

This Framework agreement has the ability to be refreshed at any point by NHS England, as such the list of appointed providers is subject to modification.

We strongly recommend that you use the framework database to search for modality(s) and utilise the reporting function in the database to identify providers.

List of Appointed providers

We have developed a Framework Database with a leading NHS web-based analytics provider 'AdviseInc' that allows commissioners to search for service modalities in what configuration that they choose.

You will need to register on the system and accept the Terms of Use before you can start to use the database.

If you require technical support relating to the database, then please email support@adviseinc.co.uk or telephone : 0207 112 9222

Within this section you will find useful documents.

We have produced a Framework Buying Guide to support commissioners in their approach to commissioning services related to a community diagnostic centre.

Framework duration: The term of the Framework Agreement and therefore appointment onto the Framework will be for a maximum period of 3 years with the option to extend it for up to a further 2 years.

Framework reference number: NHS England – AGEM 44791

Further support & guidance can sought from the framework management team at Arden GEM CSU by emailing agem.cdcframework@nhs.net


If you require further information, please email agem.cdcframework@nhs.net

Page updated: 21 March 2024